Monday, August 18, 2014

Shopizer the First Step

As I love programming, I devote myself to be a volunteer programmer in shopizer project, it's an open source project that create an e-commerce application using Java ecosystem (With mainly Spring MVCSpring CoreSpring SecurityHibernateJBoss InfinispanElasticsearch and JBoss Infinispan).

However as the first step to be a part of the development team you should be able build the application locally and run it successfully, but I encounter a problem in this stage and maven wasn't able to deliver the war file from the core project "sm-core" which is necessary to run the main one "sm-shop",  in addition it displays an error message :


My desktop while building Shopizer!

(Using My Maven version is : 3.2.2 and my Java : 1.8 Oracle version.)

...Yes that's was a mess especially by attempting a couple of actions to make thing in its place, but without a tangible result, the way and by analyzing the file which was created from the mvn command using pipe in my Ubuntu, I realize that there's a warning indicates that the supported source version for java is 1.6 for some sources but I'm using 1.8, that was not clear as it's  thought but it was evident for java daily developer that maven talk about Java version and not about something else.

So I switched to the oracle JDK 1.6, hence  the building successfully passed and I was able to create my war file of the core project, and  by following the remaining instructions I've run the shopizer app without any issue, which mark my successful beginning in the dev team......Yoppi


What I've learnt from this issue??
I learned that before building a project or running it I should read carefully the related instructions and I should be able to use any accessible debug tool effectively (Use Pipe technique to generate a log file, Use different options and let your command to be more verbose...   ) because it's not the matter of what you know but the matter is how you USE what you know.....

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